PSHE : curriculum intent

Our children are at the heart of Marshland and our vision is to help them understand and value how to fit into and how to contribute to both school life and the wider world. Within our Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) curriculum there is a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing both mental and physical health. Lessons also include mindfulness; allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

At Marshland we provide a curriculum that includes topics that offer progressive learning experiences that build on previous learning from Foundation 1 through to Year 6. Each half terms’ new topic begins with a launch assembly. This underpins the learning intention for that term. Each weekly lesson is built upon a Charter which forms the foundation for PSHE lessons. This lays the expectations for behaviour and respect throughout school. Half termly topics are titled;

• Being Me in My World

• Celebrating Differences (including anti-bullying)

• Dreams and Goals

• Healthy Me

• Relationships

• Changing Me (including Relationships and Sex Education)

Long term plan

Further information and resources

What is your favourite subject and why?
“Topic and Art are my favourite lessons because they push me to my limits and are fun.”

Pupil Voice

What do you like about the teachers?
“They tell jokes and help us learn.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“Everything. I enjoy every single second of school.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“I enjoy the school trips to the museum so I can learn.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“Art because it calms me down and it’s great fun.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“English because I love writing stories and poems.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“The best thing I’ve done at school was going to William’s Den and building my own den.”

Pupil Voice

What do you like about the teachers?
“They make me feel safe.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“I really enjoy playing for the school football team.”

Pupil Voice

What do you like about the teachers?
“They are helpful and kind.”

Pupil Voice

What would you say to a child who is worried about joining this school?
“Be yourself. It’s a great school and you’ll fit in.”

Pupil Voice

What is the best thing you have done in school?
“I love the school trips and when we go to the church to sing.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why? –
“I love P.E. because I am a real sports person and enjoy being creative.”

Pupil Voice

What would you say to a child who is worried about joining this school?
“We will look after you and help you.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why?
“Art because I like drawing and sometimes my work goes on the wall.”

Pupil Voice

What is your favourite subject and why? –
“Maths because I love numbers and adding.”

Pupil Voice